Saturday, August 24, 2013

Gene's All Female Team

The women behind the man and the daughter behind the camera. These women were as important to Gene and his success as anything or anyone else. Note Gene is not wearing his hair piece. The "Me" is Betsy Blair in the caption. Gene was married to two of these women, danced with two of them, worked with three of them, but spent the longest with only one, Lois McClelland on the far left. She worked with Gene in 1945 in Wachington DC as his assistant and secretary in the photolab while Gene was in the Navy. He brought her back to Hollywood and she worked for him for 50 years until PWK fired her sometime prior to Gene's death. She had been his part time nanny to Kerry, helped Betsy clean up and paint the N Rodeo house when they first moved in and acted as Gene's personal secretary. No one knew him better and she kept a diary about her experiences.

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